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Rocket Yoga



Rocket Yoga Overview

The Rocket routine was created by Larry Schultz and named by Bobby Weir of the Grateful Dead. Larry Schultz combined first, second and third series of Ashtanga Yoga and sequenced the poses around the joints of the body. It encourages play and offers modifications of traditional poses. The Rocket has roots in the Bay area where Larry ran his studio It’s Yoga for over 15 years and made The Rocket available to the masses. The Rocket practice encourages a smooth unbroken rhythm of breath and movement, and as it may appear to be a very physical practice it is actually leading us on a path of self-realisation.


Rocket instructors while thoroughly trained are encouraged only to assist in “two finger adjustments,” empowering the student as opposed to the teacher.


The Rocket, as the name indicates, gets you there faster. Larry says, “It’s like an invisible force of energy, to help us reach our dreams and our goals.” It adds in more strengthening abdominal moves which support your inversion practice, as well as lots of hip openers, backbends and twists to create a well-rounded body and mind. The Rocket sequences leave you with the feeling of being stronger, lighter and more flexible. Sweating is encouraged to purify and reshape your body.


We consider the Rocket to be Ashtanga yoga because we study our self through breath, bandha and dristi.


The Rocket offers different sequences. Rocket One focuses on legs and forward bending poses, Rocket Two offers more strengthening moves for your arms and back.A Rocket Three combines Rocket One and Two.


In addition to the full Rocket practice.Yoga ah offers a Modified Rocket routine called the Bottle Rocket that can be practiced in under an hour, so you can get the effect of The Rocket without taxing yourself with a longer practice.


The only way to fully understand the Rocket is to take a class and experience the yoga magic for yourself.


“Our weaknesses become our strengths, and our strengths our weaknesses”


Larry Schultz